What are the 3 types of training?

Having good staff skills is mandatory for the growth of a particular business and there are various types of training and the type of training can have different benefits and costs that the organization will have to go through. There are many human resource consultancy available online and there is a platform by the name of Macrochallenges which can surely help in the hiring process.

Types of training can differ but three main types of training are very popular which are carried out in almost all the workplaces of any organization and these three types of training are as follows:

1.  Induction

2.  On-the-job training and

3.  Off-the-job training

As far as induction training is concerned, it involves those employees who are new to a particular organization and various things are included in this particular type of training. This training includes a tour of the premises, specific training which can be related to duties and skills which are required for a particular job. Employees also get training related to health and safety information and they get to know about company policies including holiday entitlement and other things. In this type of induction training, employees are also introduced to colleagues who are already part of a particular organization.

As far as the benefits of this induction training is concerned, employees start feeling settled into a job and they also get to know about all the safety measures which can be important for them to remain active in a particular organization.

As far as the disadvantage of induction training is concerned, it takes some time which results in the reduction of the output by the employees.

Let’s go through on the job training

It is that type of training that employees undertake in a particular workplace and there are various types of on-the-job training that the businesses get themselves involved in.


If there is an employee, there will be an experienced member of the staff who will work with that particular employee to tell how to complete a particular task easily.

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It is such a scenario that involves acting out just to check how a particular employee would perform if there are such conditions for him in the coming time. This will make sure for the employee that he has to follow certain ways by which he can deal with any situation in the coming time.

Job rotation is also part of this type of training and members of the staff are also asked to go through various types of jobs in a particular organization and this makes them capable of getting a wide range of skills from each department.

Shadowing and demonstration

Shadowing is also a very important part for an employee to observe and learn because, through shadowing, the employees are able to absorb things and understand how a particular job is being done. This can take a few days for the employee to observe and start reacting positively. As far as demonstration is concerned, in this process, an employee starts to watch a task that is being done, and then he also makes efforts to accomplish the task himself.

The benefits of on-the-job training are related to accomplishing the specific needs of the company and this type of training can also be cheaper as internal training does not take much in terms of cost. As far as the disadvantage of this type of training is concerned, the quality can be compromised in certain situations and some employees can pick up some bad habits from other workers.

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Off the job training

Many employees go through this particular type of training which is outside the place of work and there are many locations at which off-the-job training takes place and locations can include training centers as well as colleges.

When it is about colleges, it covers the training of classes, distance learning, as well as other activities and training centers, are meant to give new skills to the employees. As far as the advantage of of the job training is concerned, it gives high quality because experts have to deliver the off the job training sessions. There are very less interruptions in this particular training and because of this, the concentration of the employees is very high.

As far as disadvantages of off the job training are concerned, they include the cost which can be very high and because of the involvement of skilled experts to train the employees, the productivity decreases from the side of the employees. Off-the-job training takes more time to learn these skills as employees get knowledge with great detail from the seniors.

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The first thing that most of the companies want is the basic training of all employees especially if they are freshers. Giving training to the employees becomes important as employees get the required sets of skills for them to perform better in the job given by the companies. Whether it is induction, on-the-job training, or off-the-job training, employees are always going to benefit as they are guided by their seniors and staff members of the company. Companies can expect to grow at a faster pace since they know that they have trained employees who will be able to handle any difficult situation whenever required. 


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